Daylight savings time begins Sunday, March 9!
Don't forget to SET YOUR CLOCKS AHEAD One HOUR on Saturday!

The Center for Spiritual Living
Saint Louis
- Since 1968 -
The Center for Spiritual Living in St. Louis, MO welcomes individuals from all backgrounds, faiths, and spiritual paths. Our core belief revolves around creating a world that benefits everyone, guided by the teachings of universal spiritual principles that serve as a source of inspiration and empowerment.

Sunday Services
Sunday mornings from 11am-12pm CST we provide an uplifting service that honors all paths to God and the Universal Truths found in world religions. Enjoy inspiring music while we explore new ideas and learn practical spiritual tools for a fulfilling life.
We also stream our service LIVE!
Our Metaphysical Shop
As one of St. Louis' longest standing
metaphysical bookstores and gift shops, we invite you to explore our vast collection of self-help and spiritual books, art & treasures that open the doors to ancient wisdom & inner enlightenment.
Open Sundays from 10:30AM - 1PM
Monday - Thursday 10AM - 2PM

Artist of the Month
MaryJo Clark is a mixed-media collage and pastel artist. Her mixed-media collages are designed to evoke unique responses from each viewer and her work in pastels shows a
representational approach.
She has exhibited and won numerous awards with the Gateway Pastel Artists. MaryJo is a resident artist at the Green Door Art Gallery in St. Louis, MO.
Community Outreach Projects
Are you passionate about COMMUNITY OUTREACH? Have ideas about worthy projects? Our volunteer team needs YOU! Recents successful projects have been the Souper Bowl Campaign and Diaper Drive. What's next? For more information or to join the effort, please contact Pam Hill at officemanager@cslstl.org
Submit a Prayer Request
Our practitioners offer 1:1 spiritual counseling and Spiritual Mind Treatment. Whether you seek guidance, healing, or simply wish to deepen your spiritual connection, our compassionate practitioners are here to accompany you on your journey. We also welcome prayer requests, allowing us to hold space for you in our collective intentions and affirmations.
